Kissograms North East booking terms and conditions –

Please be advised any cancellation made by our customer is non refundable – please give us as much notice as possible if you wish to cancel.
Should we need to cancel your booking for any reason we would offer a replacement to attend your booking or issue a refund within 5 working days paid via bank transfer.

A deposit is payable to secure all bookings and we accept debit card or bank transfer for our deposit methods and your performer(s) will appreciate cash on their arrival.

We follow the Bills of exchange of 1882 therefore accept all forms of legal tender. Cheques, credit cards, paypal and any form of crypto currency is not accepted.

Once your performer has arrived and completed their performance under no circumstances will a refund be given so please ensure correct currency is paid to artist on their arrival as we cannot correct payments made in error after the booking date.

Any tips given to your performer is at your discretion and greatly appreciated as for some of our artists this is their only job and all of our acts work on a self employed basis.

Please be respectful at all times to your hired performer

Our performers reserve the right to leave any booking at any point where they feel threatened or are abused in any way – no refunds will be offered/issued.

Please ensure when booking our strippers for Stag/Birthdays boys that the booking is made before the Stag/Birthday boy is too intoxicated to take part.

Our Female Strippers and Kissograms DO NOT engage in any sexual acts so please do not ask us for any such service, neither do we provide escorts – requests of this nature will be ignored.